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SFCM Baroque Ensemble
Sunday, October 29 2023, 02:00 PM at

SFCM Baroque Ensemble

College - Concert, LE
Sunday, October 29 2023, 02:00 PM
Historical Performance rehearsal

Tomaso Albinoni: Sinfonia in D Major 

Antonio Vivaldi: Concerto for Strings in D Minor, "Madrigalesco"

Christoph Graupner: Overture Suite in G Major
       La Dissimulazione
       La Seriosità 

Albinoni: Sinfonia in G Major

Georg Philipp Telemann: Suite in D Minor
       Les Scaramouches
       Menuet 1 and 2

The conductor-less and period-instrument chamber orchestra performs music of the 18th century. Directed and coached by Corey Jamason and Elisabeth Reed, the ensemble continues to perform brilliant and virtuosic music for baroque orchestra, with students from both the Orchestra and Historical Performance programs.


Corey Jamason and Elisabeth Reed, directors

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Sunday, October 29 2023, 02:00 PM to Sunday, October 29 2023, 04:00 PM

About SFCM’s Historical Performance Department

Historical Performance at SFCM traverses all eras of music history, allowing for an environment that enables the study of period performance practice and produces contemporary performances that are relevant, vibrant, and provocative.  In this program, which offers a professional studies diploma in historical performance and bachelor's and master's music degrees in harpsichord and organ and master's and professional studies diplomas in baroque violin, viola, cello historical plucked strings, and viola da gamba, you’ll develop and refine your skills in historical styles. Historical Performance opportunities are open to all SFCM students, and our acclaimed Baroque Ensemble performs regularly throughout the year.

View SFCM'S Event Health and Safety Policy

As of April 1, 2023, face masks will be optional and at personal discretion for all SFCM concerts & events.  Vaccinations are not required for visitors and guests to campus buildings and performances. Please visit SFCM's full Event Health & Safety policy to read more about our guidelines.