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Expanded Two-Part Song Form

Baroque Binary Dances


Clavier Partita No. 2 in C Minor, BWV 826

IV: Sarabande


A           1 – 8 Parallel Period (by contour similarity)


1 – 4    Antecedent: Ends on V

5 – 8    Consequent: Modulates to Relative Major (E-flat Major)


B            9 – 24  Four-Phrase Group


9 – 12  Descending sequence (Eb: I-V6-vi-V)

13 – 16 Cycle of fifths progression via applied dominant to Eb: ii | cm: iv

17 – 20 Descending-fifths sequence to V/V and V in C minor

21 – 24 Re-establishment of C Minor; descending thirds sequence to final cadence.


“Binary†Dances Which are Actually Incipient Ternary (aka Rounded Binary)


Bach Orchestral Suite No. 1 in C Major: Bourrée


A           1 – 8 Contrasting Period


1 – 4 Antecedent: Ends on V

5 – 8 Consequent: Modulates to V


B            9 – 16 Two-Phrase Group (similar to A and ´¡â€™, but harmonically less stable.)


9 – 12 Moves from G Major to D Minor

13 – 16 Moves from D Minor to A Minor


´¡â€™          17 – 24 Contrasting Period


17 – 20 Moves from C Major to F Major

21 – 24 From F Major to C Major


Bach Orchestral Suite No. 3 in D Major: Bourrée


A           1 – 8 Parallel Period (by transposition)


1 – 4 Antecedent: Ends on V

5 – 8 Consequent: Modulates to V


B            9 – 20 Three-Phrase Group


9 – 12 Moves from A Major to D Major

13 – 16 Hovers on E Minor

17 – 20 Moves to full cadence in B Minor


´¡â€™          21 – 32 Three-Phrase Group


21 – 24 D Major -> D7 to G Major

25 – 28 Rising stepwise sequence to V/V

29 – 32 Cadential to D Major


Ultra-Expanded Two-Part Song Form


Cantata BWV 82 Ich habe genug

Aria: Ich habe genug


Two-part song form with ritornelli


Ritornello 1     1 – 33 (c minor)

a             1 – 15 [7 + 7] could be considered a a’ (7 measures each)

b            16 – 22 [3 + 3]

²ú’           23 – 33 [2 + 7 + 2]


A           33 – 75 Modulates from c minor to g minor

Ich habe genug,

I have now enough,

Ich habe den Heiland, das Hoffen der Frommen,

I have now my Savior, the hope of the faithful

Auf meine begierigen Arme genommen;

Within my desiring embrace now enfolded;

Ich habe genug!

I have now enough!


a             33 – 46

14: [7 + 7] could be considered a a’ (7 measures each)

b            47 – 58

12: [4 + 4 + 4]

²ú’           59 – 75

17: [7 + 4 + 4 + 2]


               Ritornello 2     75 – 107 (g minor)

a             75 – 89 = 1 – 15

b            90 – 96 = 16 - 22

²ú’           97 – 107 = 23 - 33


B            107 – 135 Modulates from g minor to f minor

Ich hab ihn erblickt,

On him have I gazed,

Mein Glaube hat Jesum ans Herze gedrückt;

My faith hath Jesus impressed on my heart;

Nun wünsch ich, noch heute mit Freuden

I would now, today yet, with gladness

Von hinnen zu scheiden.

Make hence my departure.


               Ritornello 3     136 – 149 (f minor)

a             136 – 138 = 1 – 3 shortened

²ú’           139 – 149 = 23 - 33  


µþ’          149 – 176 Modulates from f minor to c minor

Ich hab ihn erblickt,

On him have I gazed,

Mein Glaube hat Jesum ans Herze gedrückt;

My faith hath Jesus impressed on my heart;

Nun wünsch ich, noch heute mit Freuden

I would now, today yet, with gladness

Von hinnen zu scheiden.

Make hence my departure.


               Ritornello 1 da capo 176 – 208 = 1 - 33