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Pizza with the President

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Students gathered at the Bowes Center for a meal and to mingle with SFCM President David Stull.

April 5, 2023 by Mark Taylor

Though students are accustomed to hearing from their president at formal gatherings like convocation and commencement, it’s less often that they gather with one another for a casual catch-up.

To meet more students and hear directly from them, SFCM President David Stull invited SFCM undergraduates and graduates to an informal evening of pizza, conversation, and trivia at the Foo Family Reading Room in the Bowes Center at the end of March.

David Stull sits in the foo family reading room with students, conversing

“You truly can ask any question you like,” said Stull. 

By soliciting questions in advance and live from those in attendance, President Stull provided remarks on a range of topics. They included his own career path (it involved a Volkswagen bus), what the Conservatory’s new partnerships with management companies and a record label mean for those enrolled, and the future of music.

“I spend a great deal of time thinking about where music is going,” said Stull. “One of the things it needs to do is remain present in our communities. We need to draw people into concerts that aren’t de-limited by conventional thinking about performance.

David Stull up close during pizza with the president conversation

“It requires us to remember that people crave beauty in our lives,” Stull added.

Students seemed to appreciate the discussion. Many left with new swag, as well–but only if they were able to crack Stull’s trivia challenges, which centered on the history of SFCM and classical music lore.


“The president seems like a nice guy and I like pizza,” said Owen MacEwen ’23, who is studying Technology and Applied Composition. “I don’t see him that often and he’s always been polite and courteous when I do. I know he’s a busy guy and the fact that he has time to do this is neat.” 

Learn more about leadership at SFCM.